Romans 7:14-25 “The Limits of a Self-Powered Christian Life”

Romans 7:14-25 “The Limits of a Self-Powered Christian Life”

In this passage of Scripture, Paul describes his struggle to live the Christian life in his own strength. He has the knowledge to do what’s right and the desire to be like Christ, yet he recognized a powerful force working against him.

The world will tell you to look inside yourself for strength. But as Christians, we have to look outside of ourselves, not within ourselves. The closer you get to God the more you recognize the sin in your life. Paul realized that his problem was a lack of power.

At some point every Christian will go through the process of trying to walk the Christian life in his or her own power. It’s like living in the wilderness when God has something better for you if you just cross over the river Jordan.

Many Christians look for programs, procedures, or steps to empower them. But the answer isn’t in a program, it is in the person of Jesus Christ.
